heating system winter

Why Is Maintenance Important?

A heating system is a substantial investment for a home, but they are frequently overlooked and poorly maintained for years. Now that Fall is in full swing and cold weather is on the horizon, HVAC maintenance is something that shouldn’t be put off any longer. After all, there is nothing worse than having your heating system break down just as winter weather sets in. That’s why in this month’s blog post we will discuss exactly why routine maintenance is so important!

Efficiency Saves Money:

Saving money is one of the primary reasons a person should invest in routine maintenance for their heating system. A heating system that is running efficiently, as well as a home that is properly insulated, means less money spent on electricity, gas, or oil costs depending on how your heating system runs in winter.

Maintained Systems Last Longer:

The more routine maintenance is performed, the longer a heating system will be able to function properly and provide consistent heat to a home or building. With proper HVAC maintenance, a unit can last well over 10 years. Considering the amount of money it costs to install an HVAC unit, it makes sense to do everything possible to avoid expensive major repairs for as long as possible. The best way to achieve that goal is through having regular maintenance performed.

Keep Warranties Valid:

In the event of a problem, the part or component that is malfunctioning might still be under a warranty. This is another important reason to maintain an HVAC unit on a regular basis. Keep a list of all warranty expiration dates and check the parts prior to that date to ensure there are no problems before it is too late. Parts under warranty can often be fixed at no cost, aside from the labor charges as long as the homeowner can provide evidence that the system has been maintained properly and that the part failure is not due to lack of care for the unit.


If you’re in need of HVAC maintenance services in North Central Massachusetts or South Central New Hampshire, Robillard HVAC is the call to make with over 15 years of experience. Our maintenance specialists work quickly, efficiently, and effectively so that your system gets back up to speed and running clean. Contact Robillard HVAC today for expert HVAC services.

 For more information contact:

Robillard HVAC
Servicing North Central MA
& South Central NH

7:00AM – 7:00PM

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