What Should You Do To Prepare For Winter?
With cold weather already rolling in, it’s time to take Winter HVAC preparations seriously! Depending on whether your home is equipped with a gas-fired, oil-fired, wood-burning, or other boiler fuel is just one of the differences that will likely entail specific cleaning and maintenance steps. Last year, we went over a few basic heating system tips most homeowners can take to tune-up their system and help reduce their own energy costs during the cold winter months. In this month’s post, we will discuss more tips to help prepare your heating system for winter and reduce your utility costs.
Turn The Heat Down:
If you’re not going to be home, there isn’t much sense in leaving the heat on full blast to empty rooms. Turning down the heat, even by just 5 degrees, can make a world of difference for your utility bills. If you haven’t already, consider installing a smart-home temperature control system. These systems will allow you to turn the heat down for each zone of your home from anywhere in case you forget before you leave!
Turn Your System On Before Winter:
Running your heating system at least 3 times prior to utilizing it full-time during the winter months will help you discover any latent issues that may be lurking. While running your system, stand under a vent or over a floor register to feel the temperature and the flow of the air coming through the duct. This is a useful way to determine if you may need to have your system serviced or thoroughly cleaned.
Replace. Your. Filters:
If there was ever one piece of advice that simply cannot be stressed enough, it is to change your HVAC filters! Filters should be changed on a regular basis or about every 4-6 months depending on the type of system you have and the age of the system. Keeping your filters clean, as well as the vents and registers will help keep your heating system running efficiently and optimally.
Schedule A Maintenance Appointment:
Regardless of whether you’ve taken all the steps above to help ensure your heating system operates smoothly, there is always a chance that something mechanical may need attention. And there is nothing worse than being stuck in the cold winter days without a functioning heating system. Call in the Robillard team to take a comprehensive look at your heating system to ensure that everything is prepared for the long winter months. We’re also always here when you’re in need of emergency heating system repairs.
If you’re in need of HVAC maintenance services in North Central Massachusetts or South Central New Hampshire, Robillard HVAC is the call to make with over 15 years of experience. Our maintenance specialists work quickly, efficiently, and effectively so that your system gets back up to speed and running clean. Contact Robillard HVAC today for expert HVAC services.
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Robillard HVAC
Servicing North Central MA
& South Central NH
7:00AM – 7:00PM
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